Hello, there!

I use this server for a bunch of stuff. Maily for hosting a private NPM repository and a maps system

I also route e-mail through here sometimes because proofpoint keeps ignoring my requests to whitelist the IP of my real mail server. Funny thing, I switched to Vlutr for e-mail routing because OVH, DigtalOcean, and Linode keep showing up on the UCEProtect. And yet, Proofpoint blocks Vultr anyway, so I guess I'll just route mail for those using proofpoint through this thing which is on OVH. I'm simply waiting for the day for someone to use proofpoint and UCEProtect. If that happens, guess I'll just go fuck myself.

Hopefully I get rich enough so I can get my own ARIN membership soon. Ironically, I'd probably still use Vultr anyway since they support custom ASNs.